Yucatan reptiles found in Chichen Itza and at Hacienda Chichen’s private Maya Jungle.
Herping, Birdwatching, Butterfly-watching, or hobby Botanist are ways to enjoy and discover the gifts of Mother Nature that are part of the wonderful eco-cultural activities awaiting you in the Yucatan, specially as a guest of Hacienda Chichen Resort, an truly eco-cultural sustainable boutique hotel at the heart of Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
The following reptiles are part of the Maya Animal Kingdom. You can observe them during your stay at Hacienda Chichen Resort in their gardens and private Maya Jungle Reserve. Also, herping is a fascinating activity that can be fully enjoyed while you stay in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.
The most asked about Yucatan reptiles are Birds and Snakes. Thus, we have given each their own page. Please visit our Yucatan Birds and Yucatan Snakes pages to help you ID and learn more about each animal with specific information and their photos.
Yucatan Lizards
Black Spiny-tailed Iguana
Ctenosaura similis

Black Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura similis, is called “Toloc” for male & “Xtoloc” for female in Maya; a permanent resident at Hacienda Chichen Maya Jungle Reserve and hotel gardens. It is the fastest running lizard known on Earth; one of the largest iguanas worldwide, this iguana can reach one and a half meters in length. This iguana has distinctive skin markings and a sharp crest of spines running on its back. Adults marking and black scale bands vary from iguana to iguana, so a variety of coloration and designs are observed within the species. Excellent climber. Black Spiny-tailed iguanas prefer rocky dry habitats to rest or sunbath, diurnal with a great appetite for flowers, young shoots, leaves, occasionally eats insects. Males develop blue hues during matting season.
Yucatan Banded Gecko
Coleonyx elegans elegans

Yucatan Banded Gecko, Coleonyx elegans elegans, are nocturnal small geckos, about six inches in length and lives primary in rocky habitats. Strictly terrestrial creature, with very elegant skin marks or bands and a red brown skin; it is one of Yucatan’s most colorful reptiles. Rare to spot, the Yucatan Banded Gecko has sharp pointy toes, movable eyelids, eye pupil is narrow with a vertical slit. Because of its sharply decorative vivid colors and skin, local Maya consider this gecko deadly, but such is not the case. This beautiful rare reptile is shy and prefers not to be noticed; although nocturnal, it can be spotted in the daytime at our Mayan Jungle Reserve in a protected habitat
Yucatan Turtles
Red-eared slider
Trachemys scripta elegans

Red-eared slider (turtle), Trachemys scripta elegans, is a small turtle with broad reddish or orange stripe behind each eye; with, pale yellow white, yellow green and dark green markings in their skin and carapace. Young hatchlings have deeper markings than adult sliders; the carapace is oval and with a flattened. There is sexual dimorphism, females are larger than males. Breeding occurs from March to July, eggs are incubated in water spots such as “sartinejas” and “Salstuns” found as part of the “laja” or limestone formations deep in the Maya Jungle Reserve at Hacienda Chichen. Water temperatures determine if the eggs hatch female or male sliders, females need warmer water temperatures than males.