Maya Animal Kingdom: Mammals found at Hacienda Chichen Resort’s private Maya Jungle Reserve
in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
- Maya Animal Kingdom: Mammals found at Hacienda Chichen Resort’s private Maya Jungle Reserve
in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico - Jaguar “Balam”
Panthera onca - White-tailed Deer
Odocoileus virginianus - Northern tamandua
Tamandua mexicana - Kinkajou
Potos flavus - White-nosed coati
Nasua narica - Margay
Leopardus wiedii - Long-tail weasel
Mustela frenata - Striped hog-nosed skunk
Conepatus semiestriatus - Nine-banded armadillo
Dasypus novemcintus - Yucatan yellow bat
Rhogeessa aeneus
Jaguar “Balam”
Panthera onca

No one can deny the beauty, grace, and power of a big feline such as the “Balam” or Jaguar, Panthera onca, King of the Maya Jungle. His natural territory used to cover this entire region, but that is no longer the case. It is a good thing you will not encounter him in your nature walks at our Nature Reserve. Thus, nature lovers can enjoy close contact with other Yucatan mammals at Hacienda Chichen private Maya Jungle Reserve. In this article you will find brief info and photos of some wonderful animal residents protected in our property. We hope you will enjoy observing their beauty and the lushness of their environment and find in your heart a vital desire to protect them as much as all living expressions in Mother Nature.
White-tailed Deer
Odocoileus virginianus

One of the most gentle and shy mammals in Yucatan, and at our Maya Jungle Nature Reserve, the White-tail Deer, Odocoileus virginianus. This species of deer in Yucatan is a bit smaller than those found in USA and the rest of Mexico. Graceful and lively, the “Ceh” as it is called in Maya, has diurnal habits and can be spotted at dawn and twilight hours grazing on different herbs, shrubs, and fruits, or near “aguadas and sartinejas” water spots. In Yucatan, these mammals are hunted by farmers as an important protein source to rural families. Our reserve brings safety and protection to pregnant females and their offspring, and occasionally a few solitary adult male animals.
Northern tamandua
Tamandua mexicana

Northern tamandua is an ant-eater mammal that can reach over 5 ft. and weight eight or more pounds. Their snout is long and thin with no teeth, but a very long, retractile, and sticky tongue. These shy solitary nocturnal mammals have a light yellow grayish white fur, strong big claws, fur, strong long tail that helps stabilize them as they go from branch to branch searching for a colony of termites, ants, and insects that hide or live inside tree bark and trunks. The mammal Tamandua mexicana is known by Maya people as “Ahchab” and was hunted massively; now, it is protected and its wild population has begun to help control the insect species density in Yucatan and Mexico. These animals are shy, solitary and active during twilight and at night the ant-eaters distribute their time strolling the ground and tree branches in deciduous forests.
Potos flavus

Kinkajou, Potos flavus, in many ways are the most charming mammals to observe in Yucatan, they love jumping through tree branches at dusk in search of ripe avocados and mamey fruits. Nocturnal, lively, and very likable, kinkajous can be domesticated as pets, but we prefer to enjoy them in their natural wild habitat. Maya people call them “Ak’ab ma’x” or “mico” the Spanish name for Kinkajou. Their body moves with grace atop fruit trees and royal palms in search of foods or insects. They are great seed dispensers and pollinators. Their long tail makes them look like monkeys, but watch their face!
White-nosed coati
Nasua narica

White-nosed coati, Nasua narica, known to the Maya as “Chiic.” Charming small mammals can reach the size of a common domestic cat distinguished for its very long tail, carry erect most of the time. These mammals’ have long pointy snouts; their fur has a cinnamon color with yellowish undertones. Coatis have truly defined facial marking with white rings circling the eyes. A ground dweller active during the daytime; males are solitary, females and cubs travel together in groups of six or more. Loves fallen trunks to dig its burrows. An omnivorous mammal, the coati feeds on fruit, seeds, small mammals, birds, eggs and even insects. Lives in various regions in Yucatan and at our Maya Jungle Reserve is often found in our low bush areas, in “rejoyadas” and around the cenotes.
Leopardus wiedii

“Chulul” is the Maya name for a Margay, Leopardus wiedii. It is a small wild cat that is a joy to observe in the wild dense tree tops; at maturity weights an average of ten pounds. Long, slender body, short dense spotted fur, small face and big eyes, the margay is the only feline to live in the Maya Jungle Reserve in Chichen Itza, a private wildlife reserve in Yucatan that the Hacienda Chichen protects, the species is in danger of extinction and its population severely decreased by illegal hunting and reduction of its habitat. Considered a rare species by Mexican law, this lively nocturnal feline hides in deciduous disturbed areas at the crown of tall trees. Resting on branches during the day, margays mark their territory and feed on small animals.
Long-tail weasel
Mustela frenata

Long-tail weasel, Mustela frenata, known to the Maya as “Sabin.” A charming small mammal with a slim long body and shinny red brown fur a top and bright yellow fur under. Their faces have a long pointy snout, and two white lines of fur that create a mask effect from snout to chin. A nocturnal ground dweller, but can be active during the daytime, may climb trees nimbly to catch its pray. Eats fowl, rodents and reptiles. In the wild, the weasels’ charming, intelligent, and personality is a joy to watch. Adapts well in various regions, in Yucatan within our Maya Jungle Reserve, weasels are found in low bush areas, in “rejoyadas,” and around the cenotes. Known as slippery chiefs, weasels’ quick ways have earned them many representations in cartoon prototypes of charming thieves.
Striped hog-nosed skunk
Conepatus semiestriatus

“Pai och” is the name in Maya for the Striped hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus semiestriatus. He can be seen in low deciduous tropical forest and grass areas. Considered a rare species by Mexican law this little fellow is never hunted. A ground dweller with nocturnal habits, hardly ever found during the day; this skunk likes to feed mainly on insects, although it can eat fruits and lizards. A thick black hairy fur with striking white stripes that run from the nose to the sides of the body ending in its fuzzy lush hairy tail; has a long neck and a long snout. Paws with five toes and big sharp nails; it moves in diagonal ways when it gallops or runs. We advise you not to disturbed them to avoid their fetid potent odor.
Nine-banded armadillo
Dasypus novemcintus

Nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcintus, is a shy nocturnal small mammal named “Uech” by the Mayas. A likable chubby fellow with a strong ossified armor that has nine flexible bands and shields that cover the entire upper body. In Yucatan the armadillo can be found with brown or a dark gray color skin an armor. Moving slow and digging hard, the armadillo is more gentle and likable that an aggressive wild animal. Feeds mainly on insects, butterflies, termites, beetles, etc. Hunted by Maya rural people for its delicious tender meat and his exotic armor use to create crafts, armadillo’s population has decreased rapidly in the Yucatan Peninsula; thus, it is protected from hunters at Hacienda Chichen Resort’s private Maya Jungle Reserve, in Chichen Itza.
Yucatan yellow bat
Rhogeessa aeneus

Yucatan yellow bat, Rhogeessa aeneus, Family Vespertiliondae. A small insectivorous bat endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Bats are the only mammals naturally capable of true sustained flight. These bats’ fore-limbs form webbed wings and their spread-out digits are long and covered with a thin membrane or patafium, which bats flap to fly. Yucatan Yellow Bats perform vital ecological roles. Bats in Maya mythology have an important role as they transcend from the underworld (caves) to the celestial realm. Like other bats, Yucatan Yellow Bats perform vital ecological roles; other bat species found here include the Mexican Long-tongued, Lesser dog-like bat, and others. Therefore, all species of bats are protected at Hacienda Chichen Resorts’ private Maya Jungle Reserve and gardens.
March 2025